Thursday, June 12, 2014

Know His Name....Yireh/ Provider

Each of these names of God is especially beautiful in sterling silver, uniquely designed by using the chasing tool technique.  This dates back to the 3rd century B.C. , so is not often seen in jewelry.  The design, or Hebrew letters for these pieces, has to first be drawn onto the silver.  I just use a pencil.

 Depending on the shape of the design, tools with straight or curved edges are then held in the left hand.  The right hand holds the hammer, while the silver is on a flat steel.  It takes practice to gain skill with this, but the ability to apply different designs is endless and virtually impossible any other way. Each piece has variations, due to this and the lovely handmade look and quality results. 

The depth which can be added to pieces takes place in adding the repousse, or raised look.  This can also be reversed, or lowered, which fills in the letters and makes them more pronounced.

So now back to Yireh or Provider.  I am not a theologian, but am only speaking from my heart to share the amazing ways The Lord is in my life actively.  The scripture is Genesis 22:14 where God tested Abraham by telling him to sacrifice his promised son, Isaac, son of God's covenant.  How could this be, but The Lord is God who has already seen our need and has provided....the catch is that it is in His timing and not ours.

This can get pretty 'exciting' to say the least!  And my situation was nothing like Abraham's, but then he is the father of our faith in the God of Israel and Creator of the universe.  I am just me....but that doesn't mean I am some cool cucumber in every situation.  No, lately I had some pretty major expenses and still have more with my abode and the KLJ workshop coming up.  So far, it has all been provided for and I am trusting in the faithful great I AM to do far beyond my expectations.

 There is always enough and more to be a blessing to others, so everything keeps going around, smile!  The key is: don't be anxious and don't keep a closed fist.  Trust Him! We are only taking care of what  He trusts us with, be willing to give it up, so He can give it back or do something much better. This can be what we possessions, dreams, whatever...

I still haven't had time to take those beautiful pictures of each of these Names of God pieces for the website. Yikes...but it is coming to the top of my list. Then you can pick out what is speaking to your heart, start your KLJ collection, or make it grow!  Thanks for joining me here at the KLJ Blogspot! Until the next time, much shalom to you!

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